The Daily Gamecock

Claire Carter

Internet Gamecocks: Students and alumni find success online

Everyone knows the famous Gamecock’s — Darius Rucker, Darla Moore or Lindsey Graham. But a new generation of fame is increasingly common today with online creator culture — and the Gamecocks are no strangers to the internet limelight. The arts and culture team compiled this list of on and off campus internet creators that go spurs up online.

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Trinkets sit on a shelf at Throwback Outpost on Feb. 7, 2023. The store, located on North Beltline Boulevard in Columbia, S.C., carries an assortment of curated antiques. 

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Trinkets sit on a shelf at Throwback Outpost on Feb. 7, 2023. The store, located on North Beltline Boulevard in Columbia, S.C., carries an assortment of curated antiques. 

A rack of vintage clothes sit in front of a sign painted by Nicolette Bryan at Throwback Outpost on Feb. 7, 2023. The store, located on North Beltline Boulevard in Columbia, S.C., houses a plethora of vintage items from clothes, to records and even custom rugs.

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A rack of vintage clothes sit in front of a sign painted by Nicolette Bryan at Throwback Outpost on Feb. 7, 2023. The store, located on North Beltline Boulevard in Columbia, S.C., houses a plethora of vintage items from clothes, to records and even custom rugs.

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