Weezer hearkens back to grunge era with new release
By Delaney McPherson | April 4, 2016Weezer's latest release, "Weezer (White Album)," is a blast from the past — someone might have forgotten to tell Weezer that the '90s have ended.
Weezer's latest release, "Weezer (White Album)," is a blast from the past — someone might have forgotten to tell Weezer that the '90s have ended.
Finding motivation for the last few weeks of the school year can be difficult. Here are five tips to boost your motivation as you power through to the summer months.
In its 19th year on campus, The Birdcage, a drag show put on by Individuals Respecting Identities and Sexualities and Carolina Productions, will bring an evening of inclusion, acceptance and fun.
More often than not, the essay, lab report or Greek homework can wait until tomorrow. Here are four shows streaming on Netflix that are perfect for those days where procrastination seems to be the only answer.
What better way to avoid responsibilities than to curl up in a blanket or spread out in an ENO hammock and watch a horrible movie? Of all the brilliant movies out in the world, the arts and culture staff picked out four movies that you will love to hate.
"All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend," Norwegian singer Aurora Aksnes' debut album, is not something to miss. The album is a masterfully blended collection of songs that show the singer's deep and nostalgic music with a slow, somber and beautiful sound.
Add these five must-reads to your bookshelf for wisdom, laughter and advice that is perfect for your college journey.
Many people shy away from the term feminism, but these five female movie characters prove that being a strong woman is nothing to be sorry about.
Becoming involved on campus can be difficult, especially with all the options presented to students.
Prepare yourself for a new year of movies with these five 2016 films that are sure to be hits.