The Daily Gamecock

Kristyn Sanito

Farewell letter from editor-in-chief

After four years of working at The Daily Gamecock, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never seen me. While I admire the newspaper reporter’s adventurous spirit — searching for truth, meeting new people, sharing their stories — I prefer to work behind the scenes, often doing the job that only gets noticed when it isn’t done right.

Professor developing Google Glass app with Duke team

What seems like science fiction is becoming a reality for Srihari Nelakuditi. The associate professor in USC’s College of Engineering and Computing and three researchers from Duke University are in the process of developing a Google Glass application called InSight that would allow users of the upcoming computer eyewear to recognize and virtually communicate with others in person.

Alex Waelde focuses on safety, using business to connect

Alex Waelde has a long day. After arriving late to an interview with The Daily Gamecock — a conference call with one of his attorneys ran long — the vice presidential candidate for Student Government explained that a typical day for him goes from 9 a.m. to about 4 a.m. the next morning.

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