The Daily Gamecock

Savannah Nagy

FILE - Uncensored America Founder Sean Semanko looks down as he stands at a podium in the Russell House Ballroom. The Uncensored America chapter at USC held a press conference on Sept. 18, 2024 at the Russell House University Union to announce a lawsuit against the university after USC student senate denied them funding to host a "roast" of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The event featured Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys, and Milo Yiannopolous, a prominent political commentator and former Chief of Staff for Kanye West's former presidential campaign.


FILE - Uncensored America Founder Sean Semanko looks down as he stands at a podium in the Russell House Ballroom. The Uncensored America chapter at USC held a press conference on Sept. 18, 2024 at the Russell House University Union to announce a lawsuit against the university after USC student senate denied them funding to host a "roast" of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The event featured Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys, and Milo Yiannopolous, a prominent political commentator and former Chief of Staff for Kanye West's former presidential campaign.

Uncensored America Founder Sean Semanko holding up the lawsuit that the organization is serving to the University of South Carolina. The Uncensored America chapter at USC held a press conference on Sept. 18, 2024 at the Russell House University Union to break the news.


Uncensored America Founder Sean Semanko holding up the lawsuit that the organization is serving to the University of South Carolina. The Uncensored America chapter at USC held a press conference on Sept. 18, 2024 at the Russell House University Union to break the news.

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